Thursday, February 16, 2012

You hate Obama because ... because ... because what exactly?

In 2004 I would have voted for a poodle over George Bush.  So, why do I criticize people for taking the same attitude towards Barack Obama?  Am I delusional?  Probably.  Am I a hypocrite?  Maybe.  Am I right to do so?  Well, I think so.  My position on George Bush was based on a few things.  First, he squandered a golden opportunity in the wake of 9/11 to bring the world together to solve problems collectively.  Second, his administration lied to the country to get us into a war in Iraq.  Third, we went into war with no idea of what to do once we won.  Fourth, we decided it was OK to use torture.  Fifth, he made our country an object of hate and anger in the world in a way that it had never been before.  Sixth, he brought us the Patriot Act.  Seventh, he oversaw a weakening of regulatory agencies like the EPA and the regulations they enforce, allowing for things like fracking to take place with little oversight our concern for people's safety.  Eighth, he oversaw a reorganization of our disaster response systems that contributed, with the incompetence of folks he had appointed, to the fiasco that was the official response to Hurricane Katrina and to the invasion of various diseases and bugs that have destroyed crops and been very costly.  I think I'll stop there, but understand I could go on.  The basic point is that Bush was a poor president, and I can prove it.  That's why I would have favored just about anyone you could have named, even John Kerry in the 2004 election over four more years of Bush.  I still don't understand what Obama has done to earn a similar reaction.  Yes, he tried to extend health care to all Americans.  That doesn't seem to be in the same league as water boarding, but what do I know.  Yes, he did bailout the auto industry ... but he was just continuing a program started by Bush and it doesn't seem to have turned out so badly.  Yes, he is black ... but I'm not sure what he can do about that.  I understand where you might disagree with his policies.  That's fine.  And that is a perfectly defensible reason not to vote for him.  I felt that way about the elder Bush, who I voted against.  I could have imagined a lot worse presidents, and in fact I think he did a fairly good job and that history will make him look pretty good, but I couldn't vote for him because I just didn't agree with his approach on a number of the issues.  I didn't hate him.  I didn't say he was the anti-Christ.  I just don't understand why getting Obama out of office seems to have become more important for Republicans than solving America's problems.  Has been since he took office.  I'm still waiting to hear a good reason for all the hatred and anger, one that doesn't involve boogeymen like big government or ridiculous accusations of socialism, communism, fascism, and who knows what other isms.  I think I'll probably be waiting for a long time.

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