Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Of Clint Eastwood and Karl Marx

Chrysler puts out a commercial featuring Clint Eastwood telling us all that if we can come together, stop squabbling and fighting, and work hard we can turn things around as a country just as Chrysler has begun to.  Within a day, people are calling it pro-Obama socialist propaganda.  It’s almost too silly to be true.  Apparently, if you acknowledge any signs of recovery while Obama is still President you are part of a socialist conspiracy.  It doesn’t matter that this is an advertisement for a car company.  It doesn’t matter that in this car company ad Dirty Harry is waxing patriotic and saying that it takes more than one punch to keep us down and folks are going to “hear our engines roar.” It doesn’t matter that when Clint says "the fog, division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead,” the visual is not of a conservative protest group but of a pro-union protest outside the capitol building in Madison, Wisconsin suggesting that the discord that separates us is discord brought about by Union ruffians and other liberals.   It doesn’t matter that Clint Eastwood is not a socialist, a liberal, or a supporter of Obama.  It doesn’t matter that the recovery of American automotive manufacturers should be something people of all political positions want.  What appears to matter most is that Obama not be re-elected.  It appears to matter more than economic recovery.  It appears to matter more than what is in the best interests of most Americans.  This is why compromise has become a dirty word.  This is why big government has become the specter of the moment.  This is why an advertisement paid for by a huge car manufacturer is interpreted as socialist propaganda.  This is why it is way past time for the rest of us to stand up and say enough is enough.

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