Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rushed logic: Limbaugh, Gabby, and Racism

If you spot racism, you're a racist.  Liberals spot racism all the time, so liberals are racists.  Isn't it wonderful logic?  It is the thesis of this rant by Rush Limbaugh (Rush).  Sometimes I just have to shake my head at the twisted shit people come up with.  This, though, is pure brilliance.  If you make a big deal about something being racist, then you recognize racism and thus are racist.  It's a perfect response.  If someone claims they didn't get a job because they were black, you criticize them for being focused on race.  If someone says they were beaten to death by white people trolling for blacks to harass, they would be a racist ... and a zombie.  I suppose that couple that wasn't allowed to get married because they were of different races had it coming ... those damn racists!  I do have one concern, though.  How does racism get identified?  It must exist, or the folks identifying it couldn't be racist.  But who would want to identify it?  Maybe they are taking one for the team.  Maybe they are so ignorant that they don't realize they are racists.  Maybe they are confused by the tortured logic.  I know I sure am.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Michelle Obama scolds Gabby Douglas

In this country, the news gets produced and we are all complicit in that production.  Want an example?  Michelle Obama appears on the Jay Leno Show with Gabby Douglas.  Gabby Douglas makes a comment about eating an Egg McMuffin at McDonalds and the first lady makes a joke.  She's really teasing Leno and not Gabby.  Somebody who is "exposing and combating liberal media bias"  reports exactly those facts, and then plasters on this headline: "Michelle Obama scolds Olympic hero Gabby Douglas for eating an Egg McMuffin."  (A Scolding)  Next, folks read the headline without glancing at the article and start criticizing the fat socialist un-American First Lady for attacking a true American hero.  It's really pretty sad.  And just to be clear, that headline is a lie.  The folks who read it without caring enough to read the story let alone do five seconds of internet research perpetuate the lie.  And the rest of us who do nothing about it, even when much more is at stake than an Egg McMuffin, have no one but ourselves to blame.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Enough is Enough

I’ve had about enough.  Haven’t you?  The time has come to demand some changes in American politics. 

First of all, a bit of respect, humility, and empathy need to be interjected into the debate … into every debate.  We need to stop tolerating the use of insults and snide remarks, whether they come from political candidates or ordinary folks on the internet.  I’m not evil, un-American, or a socialist because I disagree with you. 

Second, we need to follow up with a rediscovery of cooperation, collaboration, and compromise.   Why have we allowed working together to get such a bad name?  Problems don’t get solved if we don’t work together to solve them … the position taken by the House of Representatives over the last two years makes this pretty clear.   

Third, people need to be reminded about the importance of evidence.  If you don’t have it, you need to be told to stop.  The Sikh temple in Wisconsin was not attacked by the government seeking to discredit the NRA.  No one wants to kill off old people.  The President is not waiting for just the right time to open up welfare to anybody who wants it regardless of what they do.  In the end, this one is on all of us.  If you require evidence before you buy into a claim, people making claims will have to provide it.

Fourth, we need to insist upon the use of logic and reason.  Evidence is great stuff, but if you can’t process it accurately what use is it?  If the financial crisis was caused by insufficient and/or ineffective regulation, does it make sense to respond with a push for deregulation and small government.  Does it make sense to assert, against the scientific consensus, that evolution is unlikely or climate change is illusory?  Logic needs to trump ideology.  If it doesn’t, the result will be … illogical. 

Fifth, when elected politicians, business leaders, lobbyists, reporters, and others lie they need to be called on it.  Now, folks are sending out lies, watching them rip across the news and internet landscapes changing opinions and helping to win elections among other things, and then avoiding any real consequences for having told them.  This needs to stop.  And while it may well be unstoppable, it seems like the attempt would be rather worthwhile.

Sixth,we have to keep an eye on the long term impacts of what we do in the here and now.  Job creation is great, but what kind of jobs are we talking about and at what price do they come?  Taxes are horrible … unless there is a benefit to be had from improved infrastructure and reliable social services.  The present is important, but so is the future.

If we were to put a priority on these six things, everything could be different.  It seems to me like it’s worth a shot.  Whatever we are doing now certainly isn’t working.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Shhhh ... I'm Talking About a Revolution

I’ve had about enough.  Haven’t you?  It is way past time to change the tenor of the discussion on a host of issues.  First of all, a bit of respect and humility needs to be interjected into the debate … into every debate.  We need to stop tolerating the use of insults and snide remarks, whether they come from political candidates or ordinary folks on the internet.  We need to be more empathetic (now that’s a family value worth talking about).  Second, we need to follow up with a rediscovery of cooperation, collaboration, and compromise.   Why have we allowed working together to get such a bad name?  Individual rights are wonderful things, but we don’t have to fight to the death on every issue to maintain them and we can’t forget that in the end we are a society and not just a random gathering of individuals.  Third, we need to insist upon the use of logic and reason.  If you want to insist that evolution is unproven and we have no impact on our environment, you should be laughed out of public life.  If you want to make an argument, you simply have to support your conclusion with real premises.  You have to offer some proof.   It should never be enough to attack your opponent’s patriotism or play on peoples fear by invoking bogeymen like big government.  Fourth, we have to keep an eye on the long term impacts of what we do in the here and now.  Job creation is great, but what kind of jobs are we talking about and at what price do they come?  If we were to put a priority on these four things, everything could be different.  It seems to me like it’s worth a shot.  Whatever we are doing now certainly isn’t working.  So, I am on a new crusade.  I want to encourage folks to insist on empathy, cooperation and compromise, logic and reason, and consideration of the big picture.  To put it simply, we deserve at least that much.   

Monday, August 6, 2012

How to Comment on a Political Issue

Before you make a comment on something whether on-line or in person, why don’t you try doing these few things.  First, listen to or read whatever it is you are commenting on.  Second, actually try to understand what you just listened to.  Third, assume that the person or persons responsible for whatever you are responding to are reasonable people with legitimate interests, concerns, and viewpoints.  Fourth, think about what you want to say.  Fifth, imagine including all those nasty and snarky comments, and then don’t actually include them.  Sixth, come up with a conclusion and evidence that supports it.  Seventh and last, don’t plug up your ears and/or cover your eyes when you open your mouth or start typing on the keyboard.   It might seem like a pain to do all of this, but having to read your comments when you don’t sucks too.