Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hey Republicans ... what did you expect?

Republicans are worried now that Rick Santorum might actually have a chance to win.  They are worried that someone who would tell rape victims that they have been given a gift from God, sees the devil (the red guy with horns) behind many of the challenges facing our country, and believes that pre natal testing should be restricted because it encourages abortion might not have a chance in November.  Of course they are right, but this is something they should have thought about before now.  They should have considered it when they were working people up into a frenzy about Obamacare because it encouraged homosexuality and killed off old people in the name of socialism.  They might have given it some thought before deciding that they should allow people in their party to claim that the President was a foreign born Muslim fascist.  They might have thought about this as one negative consequence associated with embracing a movement focused on the evils of ‘big government.’  Who knows, they may have guessed that having people who believe that natural disasters are punishment from God and all Muslims are terrorists be power brokers might lead to Presidential candidates that are unelectable.  The bottom line is that Republicans have allowed their party to fall into the control of a minority of folks whose views are not representative of the majority of Americans.  I’m not sure what they can do now.  Reaching out to Sarah Palin won’t help.  Targeting contraception doesn’t seem like a winning strategy.  I suppose they can pray for war with Iran, higher gas prices, and a stalled economic recovery.  They’ve been banking all along on a worsening of the problems that face America driving Obama out of office … in fact they have actively encouraged it.  Why should they stop now?  Heck, they can’t stop now.  It would take one doozy of a war to make me vote for Rick Santorum, so they had better start cashing in on that personal connection to God soon.

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