Are you pro-life?
Well, I’ve got some advice for you.
Take all that money and effort you’re spending to overturn Roe v. Wade,
and actually use it to make it less likely that women would seek or even are in
the position to consider having an abortion.
How do you do that? Well, I have
a few suggestions.
First, provide good quality sex education to young people of
almost every age everywhere and anywhere.
Talk about vaginas, conception, and childcare. Have teenage moms come in and talk to older
kids about their glamorous lives. It
would be money well spent for lots of reasons.
I know that a lot of you think sex is supposed to be scary and forbidden,
but maybe you need to decide what you hate the most.
Second, while you are deciding what you hate the most, let’s
talk about contraception. If people use
contraception, they are less likely to be pregnant and thus less likely to have
an abortion. If you want fewer
abortions, you should want more contraception.
I know that you want sex to take place within the walls of marriage, but
I think you need to be realistic about that.
It made sense to restrict sex to marriage when women were marrying at
14. Women aren’t doing that much
anymore. It’s not realistic to expect
everyone to make it out of middle school without having sex. Hoping most women are going to wait until
they are in their 30’s is fantasy. Don’t
tell me it’s a religious belief either.
Most Catholics use birth control.
If what you want is fewer abortions, this really seems like a no-brainer. Spend a little money to make contraception of
all kinds available and affordable for everyone.
Third, I’d let go one the gay marriage thing. The more married gay couples there are, the more
adoptions there will be. Plus, if you
give in on something you are going to eventually lose anyway, it might help you
work together with others to eliminate the demand for abortion. It would also mean more resources you could
throw at abortion.
Fourth, I would start talking to others. I know collaboration is a dirty word, but it
does lead to getting things done. There
is no guarantee that trying to bankrupt Planned Parenthood and get the Supreme
Court to reverse Roe v. wade is going to work.
Measures aimed at reducing the demand for abortion would have a much wider
base of support and be much more likely to become reality. No one likes abortion. Almost everyone would like it if abortions
never took place. Why don’t you try to
capitalize more on that reality?
Fifth, spend some of that money of yours on drug prevention,
better schools, stopping inner city violence, stopping the sex trade, or
providing jobs. I feel pretty confident
in saying that there would be fewer abortions if drugs were less of a problem,
women were better educated, people had work, etc., etc.
Sixth, and perhaps most importantly, spend some time
thinking about what happens after birth.
You are very concerned with preserving life up until it leaves the
mother … what about life outside the womb.
Do you care what happens to these babies once they leave the womb? I really think if you paid more attention to
some of these questions, everything I have said up above would make a lot more
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