Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Working Around Congress

Obama has been criticized by several Republican Presidential candidates for indicating that he might go around Congress to press his agenda. So, the Republicans in the House of Representatives refuse to work with the President, making it clear that their main goal is to make sure he is driven out of office, and then Republicans criticize Obama for not engaging with Congress. Does this make sense? Let me ask that in a different way … does this make sense to anyone not running for office as a Republican? Let me ask it in yet a different way … does this approach on the part of the Republican Party make sense for the rest of us … for those of us who don’t think of themselves as a conservative or a Republican first and foremost in front of any other allegiance? I think the answer is no. I think we need to have people in Congress who are willing to work to solve problems, maybe even compromise, with people who aren’t in their party and might not agree with them on every issue. I think we have to have people representing us whose allegiance is to us. I think anyone who doesn’t have that approach is who we should be criticizing.

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