Friday, January 27, 2012

A Teacher's Comment That Is Worth Reading

"I have been really disturbed by the vicious diatribe that has been sparked by this editorial. I started to type a long rebuttal and then deleted it. There is no point. No one is going to change his/ her mind based on even logical arguments. I am a teacher, I buy school supplies (about $1200 a year), I work after contract hours and am not compensated, I spend my "vacations" in my classroom doing WORK for my students, I have taken a 14% pay cut over the past several years etc, etc, etc. Haters don't care. They just attack what they don't understand nor would never choose for themselves. It saddens me that I have become public enemy number one when I thought I was going to be a child's hero."

This was a comment to an opinion piece on CNN (Carole Simpson Opinion Piece).  I just had to share it.  This is one of those elite and pampered teachers who live in the lap of luxury.  One of those folks you vilify as self interested and out to harm your children.  This is the person you want to take away a pension from.  The person who needs to pay more of their health insurance just like you do.  The person who is already helping her employer pay for office supplies just like you do ... you do too right?  Right?  

Bottom line ... try to understand what it is that teachers do.  And try to get beyond generalizations and slogans.  Try to see this from their side.  If you are going to use your voice ... make it an educated one. 

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