Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Whole Story

When I read stories to my kids, I don’t like to skip pages. I don’t like to skip words. It doesn’t matter how late it is. I tell the whole story, or I don’t tell it at all. It annoys my wife to no end. If I’m willing to annoy my wife to be complete when it comes to bedtime stories, then you know how I feel when it comes to political stories. If you sell yourself as the ideal candidate for President based on your business leadership experience, then I also feel entitled to hear about everything you did when you led that business. If you want to shrink ‘big’ government, I want to know about what you’re shrinking. I also want to know a lot more about why ‘big’ government is a problem. I want the whole story. It’s why I don’t watch Fox news. That and I also want the truth. Now the best part is today it’s not that hard to fill in the story and ascertain more of the truth, all on your own. I think it would be worth it if it was a pain. It’s not, so the question is why doesn’t everyone? You don’t have to read all of Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present if you don’t want to. I would, but it is quite long and I won’t get mad at you if you don’t. You should, however, try to find out more about what is going on in Iran and whether pushing for war is really a good thing. If you don’t, and you vote for someone who says they would go to war in Iran, then I will be a little upset.

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