Monday, January 30, 2012

Neshaminy nastiness ... from words to action

I’m going to blog about some things that don’t have anything to do with the Neshaminy School District for a while … after this.  I just wanted to informally throw out a few thoughts I had concerning the recent accusations of harassment that a teacher has leveled at fellow teachers and ultimately the union.

First, there is no excuse for the things that this teacher alleges were done to him and others.  These actions are wrong … and in some cases criminal.

Second, we don’t know who is behind all of them, and so we should refrain from passing judgment.  Let’s leave that to the authorities.

Third, the leadership of the Union should be taking actions to prevent this sort of thing from happening.  Maybe they have been.  I don’t know.  They certainly should have been though, because it is hardly a surprise that something like this might happen.  This dispute has gone on a long time.  It has also gotten very nasty.  Teachers have had to deal with this nastiness in their everyday lives.  Teachers have not gotten raises in a while.  They have just been out on strike, getting no pay.   There are a lot of teachers, and they are not all going to agree on everything.   This is a combination of factors that make conflicts between teachers inevitable.  Inevitable and natural.  Inevitable and natural things aren’t signs of collapse or evidence that the teacher’s position is wrong, but they are things should be anticipated and dealt with. 

Fourth, we have a very poisonous atmosphere on our hands.  That these sorts of things are happening shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone outside of the union leadership either.  Those of us that have declared war on one side or the other, hurling insults and personal attacks around willy nilly, should recognize this as a product of their actions.   Foster hate and fear and anger, and you get people who act out. 

Hopefully this will be a call for saner heads to prevail.  Unfortunately, it seems to be causing folks to dig in.

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