This is what I would like to see. It won’t happen, but it would be nice. I want someone to run for Congress without spending more than a few thousand dollars. I want them to pledge not to take out a single television ad or print a single flyer on a piece of paper … of if they are going to print flyers, have them be blank on the one side so I can use them to print off recipes and descriptions of crafts I want to do with the kids. Their office should be in their house. Their campaign should be coordinated through e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and whatever other hip computer thing is out there that I don’t know about. They could simply have people ask questions, and respond to them. A nice succinct statement of their basic positions on all the key issues would be nice too. Scheduled appearances in parks and coffee shops to speak to people face to face, people who wanted to speak to them, would be Awesome. No door to door stuff. Just, “I’ll be down at Starbucks for two hours, if you’re free come ask me a question.” Debate participation would be OK, I guess. I’m not sure what that is really worth, though. Is a good debater really a good leader? Maybe, but I think it might be up for debate … just not with me, please! I want my representative to be a thoughtful person, willing to compromise, interested in helping people, always willing to listen, and primarily focused on solving problems. I can figure out if a candidate fits this description by learning about her experience, reading her thoughts on issues and her responses to questions, and maybe talking with her. An ad doesn’t really help me. Millions of dollars in campaign contributions doesn’t help me do this either. The usual attacks and indignation really don’t help. I don’t need any of it … unfortunately, I keep getting it.
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