Monday, October 3, 2011

Larry Pastor's Battle - Neshaminy's Loss

One thing is clear from Larry Pastor’s guest opinion article in the Bucks County Courier Times of October 3, 2011: Larry Pastor is engaged in battle with a horrible enemy. This is an enemy that spews lies every time they open their mouths. They are “exclusively focused on increased monetary gains” and on their own “luxurious compensation.” They are “extremists” with a “programmed entitlement mentality.” They are “unyielding” protectors of the “failed status quo.” They prefer an “insular world.” They are the “mortal enemy of reform.” They have “declare[d] war on [the] community and oppose reform with every ounce of their being.” They have spent the last decade “nearly bankrupting our school district.” They “provide zero value to education and in our case, they are a huge negative.” They deliver “mediocre results.” Who are these evil people Larry is waging war on? Why they’re teachers of course. Who else could possibly be so capable of “hurting our children?” Who else could be so without redeeming value?

Larry Pastor has found a dragon to slay. He is not interested in bargaining. He doesn’t seem too interested in facts or supporting any of his assertions either. He is interested in placing blame on the Teacher’s Union. He is interested in trying to separate the Teacher’s Union from the teachers it represents, and make it into a sort of greedy ghoul that needs to be destroyed. He is interested in destroying the Teacher’s Union. If it benefits the school district along the way, that might be OK, but given the level of anger, defensiveness, and vindictiveness that drip from nearly every one of his comments, the well being of the school isn’t his primary goal. No one interested in negotiated reform throws around insults and personal attacks the way he does. No one interested in building anything traffics in as much fear and anger as he does. No one interested in solving problems laces their arguments with as many fallacies as he does. He even accuses others of utilizing ad hominem attacks in an article in which he engages in probably half a dozen of his own. No one interested in the facts and the truth, provide so little of it in what they write. No one sees problems in the way Larry Pastor does should have anything to do with solving them.

It simply doesn’t matter whether Larry Pastor has a substantive and meritorious message. What matters is the way he has chosen to deliver it. He is engaged in battle when the situation calls for engagement in conversation and negotiation. The enemy he has created is at best a gross exaggeration, and at worst complete fiction. What isn’t at all fictional is the damage that has been done by his anger and hate. It is really very clear.


  1. You are my new Hero. I hope you don't mind if I share your blog with all of my NFT friends.

  2. You are certainly welcome to share it.

  3. You should add, "obsessed with Larry Pastor" to your "About Me" section after it says, "I'm a dad, a husband and a lot more."

    It's really odd that you spend so much time writing about this man!

    And for a website that's supposed to be free of hate, labeling and other things, there's sure a lot of that here and it's all coming from you.

  4. Reggie,

    Let's not bring an individual's family into this. While I understand your frustration with the man--I don't think it's fair to bring anyone's kids into it.

    Let's elevate the conversation as opposed to debasing it.

    Just my two cents.


  5. First of all, I will delete any comments that include personal attacks, insults, etc. I have deleted a comment which talked about Mr. Pastor's family and personal life. That is out of bounds.

    Second, I won't be admitting to an obsession with Larry Pastor because I don't have one. I think I have three posts on him out of over two hundred in the blog. I post on all kinds of issues. I have posted several times on Pastor because I am offended by the way he has chosen to make his arguments. The same is true of J.D. Mullane. I am obsessed with how people approach problems.

    Third, I have posted on the issue of teacher's contracts because it is impossible to avoid it in the paper and as a parent of a five year old I am becoming more aware of issues around education.

    Fourth, if you have read the blog carefully you would also see that I have been critical of the teacher's union. I don't have a fully formed opinion about the issues in this dispute. What I have been most concerned with is how the parties have behaved and what they have said and how they have said it.

    Fifth, Please feel free to disagree with me. I love discussion and debate. I'm also ready to admit when I am wrong ... because it happens, all the time. If all you are going to do is throw out unsupported accusations, however, then I'd appreciate it if you kept them to yourself.

  6. Actually it's a minimum of 5 blog posts that are about, or reference Larry Pastor.

  7. OK so it's 5 out of 200. Really? That's what you took time to post? I don't think that changes my point in the least. The vast majority of my blog entries have nothing to do with Larry Pastor. That was my point, your post does nothing to diminish it. Why don't you limit any further comments to substantive matters. If you have something substantive to say, I would love to hear it. If you want to give examples of the Teacher's Union engaging in the same kind of name calling or correct the image I have of Pastor (taken from his own words), please do so. Otherwise, all you are doing is engaging in ad hominem attacks and name calling and generalized nastiness, which is ironically exactly what bothers me about Larry Pastor. If that's all you want to do, I would just ask you to do me a favor and not comment any more.

  8. Sam, I hope you know that you are quickly becoming somewhat of a luminary amongst the NFT teachers.

    Your blogs are the talk of many a lunchtime conversation because of your ability to discuss the issues and encourage real dialogue. We applaud your attitude.

    I personally believe your statement, "... the situation calls for engagement in conversation and negotiation. The enemy he has created is at best a gross exaggeration, and at worst complete fiction. What isn’t at all fictional is the damage that has been done by his anger and hate. It is really very clear," is by far the most accurate analysis to date.

    The members of the NFT desperately want our leadership to be able to have the conversations needed to negotiate with the NSD. No matter what certain members of the community say, we are not the group stalling these negotiations.

    I hope you don't mind the attention your little corner of the internet is generating since I posted the link on the NFT site.



  10. Wow. Very classy J.king-or whoever you are claiming to be J.king to stir up more drama.

    I guess you didn't notice that the case was DISMISSED.

    Nor did you pay any attention to the author's purpose for starting this blog.

    Here it is in case you missed it:
    "This is an attempt to create a space where issues can be discussed free of hate, fear mongering, labeling, and empty rhetoric. The idea is a shocking one ... that political issues can be discussed logically and respectfully by people who don't agree. It isn't easy, but it is worth a try."

    Try to honor his wishes. Go play games on BCCT.

    Kim May

  11. What J. King has is a perfect example of a personal attack ad hominem fallacy. Bringing up a person's arrest record to refute a position they hold is to employ a fallacy to support your argument rather than a logical premise.

  12. Sam is there a way I can email? I believe the person posting as J.King is an imposture and is looking to cause trouble.
    Thank You

  13. I will e-mail you ... but anyone is welcome to come in here and post, as long as they are respectful and interested in engaging in a genuine discussion.
