Thursday, October 13, 2011

Of Good Democrats and Bad Statements

“I can work with anyone willing to work with me to solve the problems facing our country.” That is what Mitt Romney should have said. That is what every elected representative should say. Unfortunately, it is not what he really said. What he said was that he could work with “good” Democrats … and it’s just not acceptable. Who is going to determine what a “good” democrat is? What about a bad one? Are the good ones the ones that agree with him? Is there an easy test we can apply to see who is good and bad? Do we consider religion? Race? Are the bad ones traitors? Are they Un-American? Do they not have the best interests of their constituents and country in mind? The truly sad thing about what Romney said is that it was regarded as moderate and risky. He was expressing an interest in cooperation and compromise with people outside of the Republican Party … how socialist of him! Call me crazy, but I want my elected officials to work with one another to solve problems. I want them to consider other view points and approaches. I want them to recognize that country comes before party. I want someone to say “I recognize that Republicans and Democrats don’t see eye to eye on all the issues, but I recognize that e all want what is best for America and even though we might disagree on what that is we can still work together to find common ground.” I know it’s insane, but ….

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