Monday, October 24, 2011


We have all either lost our minds or lost interest. That is really the only way to explain it. If an appreciable number of us were both sane and interested, there is no way some of the big political issues of the day would be issues at all. Why is there any debate about whether or not God created the world in six days? Really? The fact of the matter is that there is no scientific basis to question the basic fact of evolution. If there is debate, it should be on the details. The very idea that creation was focused just on earth is ridiculously laughable. Speaking of laughable, we have the debate over whether there is global warming. The scientific community is very nearly united that we are having a negative impact on our world. Why is anyone spending time debating anything other than how we should alter our behavior and preserve the world we live on? A conversation focused on the balancing environmental and other concerns is productive … a conversation on whether the scientific community is at the beck and call of socialists and the leftist media is not. We wasted way too much time talking about where Obama was born and what religion he adheres too. That we have any kind of debate about whether Muslims should be judges or have the freedom to set up their own houses of worship shows the lie in the claim that we are a bastion of freedom and liberty. The same could be said of the inordinate amount of time some folks spend trying to keep other folks who love one another from being able to acknowledge it. Don’t even get me started on the debate over the financial crisis, which has been way too focused on teachers’ unions and not nearly focused enough on the regulation of the financial sector. That someone would seize elected office on a promise to abolish the Department of Education is just scary. The health care debate is a complete travesty, with more focus being placed on calling the President’s plan socialism and Obamacare than there has ever been placed on the issues. Is there really a debate to be had on whether all Americans should have basic health care? The craziness is not limited to the biggest issues either. The fact that anytime at all was spent debating whether or not Paul Revere was warning the British is just evidence of how the craziness has permeated every nook and cranny of our public lives. The worst part is that there are constructive debates to be had and meaningful discussions that need to take place because we have very real problems to solve. Stamping out homosexuality and teaching Genesis in schools isn’t going to solve our problems. We need to refuse to take people seriously who propose abolishing the Department of Education or giving communities the right to stop Muslims from building mosques. All Muslims are not terrorists. Gay marriages aren’t a threat to anyone. Teachers didn’t cause the financial crisis. Until we can discard this nonsense and come together to work on the problems facing us, they aren’t going to get solved. So, either some people have to come to their senses or some people have to become interested … or some people have to do both. The other option is to do what we’re doing and stay in the asylum. Everyone gets to help choose … what are you going to do?

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