Friday, June 17, 2011

Mitt Romney doesn't need to be unemployed, he needs to be employable

Mitt Romney told a group of unemployed people that he could feel their pain because he too was unemployed. It was a dumb thing to say, and a bit insensitive, but it hardly rises to the level of disqualifying him for President. We are far too focused on individual stupid comments. We all say stupid things, even people who want to be President. What bothers me more than the comment itself is the greater trend of which it is a part. Too many politicians try to market themselves as just like the common man (or in Sarah Palin’s case woman). I don’t need my elected leaders to be just like me. I don’t need them to be common men and women or even real Americans. I don’t happen to think there is any such thing, and besides I am far more concerned with having elected representatives that listen to me than I am having elected representatives that are just like me. Even better, I’d like them to pledge to use their knowledge and experience to make tough decisions using reason and logic. I’d also like them to tell me how they feel right now about the major issues, and I want them to promise to change their minds if the circumstances require them to. I want a lot, but I don’t need my next President to be white, or male, or unemployed just like me.

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