Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How do we get from “Voted for Obama? Thanks asshole" to "I disagree with you, and here is why"?

The level of hate and ignorance in this country is disgusting. I think I hate it. I know that I’m never quite sure what to do about it. I was on the highway today behind someone who had this bumper sticker: “Voted for Obama? Thanks asshole.” How does one respond to that? I fumed for a minute, dreaming about how I would confront my fellow American, and then like the helpless intellectual I am I googled the phrase when I got home. I found myself looking at the following ‘joke’ and the comments that followed … and getting angry all over again.

“A guy was traveling through Mexico on vacation when, low and behold,he lost his wallet and all identification. Cutting his trip short,he attempted to make his way home, but was stopped by a MexicanCustoms Agent at the Tijuana border.’May I see your identification, por favor, señor?’ asked the agent.’I'm sorry, but I lost my wallet,’ replied the guy. ‘Si, amigo, I hear that every day. No ID, no crossing the border,’ said the agent.’ But I can prove that I'm an American!’ he exclaimed. ‘I have apicture of Bill Clinton tattooed on one butt cheek and a picture ofHillary Clinton tattooed on the other.""This I must see,’ replied the agent. With that, the Americandropped his pants and bent over in front of the agent. ‘Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, you're right!’ exclaimed the agent. ‘Have a safe trip back to Chicago, Senor.’ ‘Thanks!’ he said. ‘But why do you think I'm from Chicago ?’ The agent replied, ‘I recognized Barack Obama in the middle!”

The joke is simply sophomoric ignorance. The comments are downright hateful.

“Well...some things to keep in mind. Obama is not stupid and knows a lot more than you all think. He is extremely educated and knows exactly what he is doing. He is a progressive and is doing what he said he would during his campaign - just a lot faster than we had all thought. Obama is not a Christian and not an honest man. He says one thing and does another, but that is what progressives do. His mission is "change" and that starts with destroying God and our constitution. The way to fight this is by standing up for the truth and reinstating our constitution. Fighting back my lies and racism is beneath us Americans and quite frankly counter productive.”

“You guys are all right he is a super big ASSHOLE-but it took a lot of assholes voting for him to put him there. All these progressive liberals will stare open eyed when the money runs out and they either have to quit school and get a job or starve. Besides Obama throws like a girl-I bet he has never done a hard days work in his life.”

“Obama cannot help himself. He was trained to perform (like a dog) as you have seen him. He is a mindless puppet of the democrat party (or worse, the Maoists, Marxists, Nazis and Socialists. Use your eyes, ears and brain. Obama is leading this nation down a path of destruction.... on many fronts. Do you speak Chinese or Korean??? You had better learn. Warm Regards Ronald J Breen PS - Stand up for your personal and individual rights to defend your and your neighbors' personal rights. David Scott (D) of GA stated that the town hall meetings are getting "out of hand" ---- what this means is that the message that the Honorable (sic) Congressman was communicating was indeed morally, ethically and materially relevant. When in fact, the congressman's message was singularly biased to his own personal bias, i.e. the democratic party line --- this is not good for anyone over the age of 55 --- 60 mat the outside --- All manner of euthanasia are embroidered in the current 'health' care plan. The dowside is that the less healthy must be willing to die in order to preserve the 'more; healthy. Government beauracracy has NEVER been able to effectively ration limited resources ---- do you want your LAST breath to be called by some indolent federal employee??”

“Obama is an abject liar. NONE of his campaign promises have been honored. Now he says that no-one will be hurt by the national health care "THING" --- LOL LOL can you believe that he actually wants us to literally place our lives in his hands AFTER all of his other FAILURES ??”

“This is totally laughable -- totally laughable.)( I call his wife Michelle HOBama. She is one fugly bitch. I wouldn't fuck her if she was the last snatch on the planet. Did anyone tell that whore Halloween is over, take off the mask you freak.”

“Obama is just like his moo-slim brothers--a pig-faced sack of dog shit.”

This is just hate … illogical, unreasonable, disgusting, and scary hate. And please, don’t say that the same stuff was said about Bush. It wasn’t. Yes there were silly bumper stickers, but not this level of ignorance and hate. There isn’t a scrap of reason, logic, or evidence here. It is all fear and anger and hate. Right now, I think it needs to responded to in a very simple way. At the official level it needs to be strongly condemned and then ignored. The leaders of the Republican Party need to come forward and clearly say they don’t want this kind of support, and then say nothing thereafter that could ever be construed as reaching out to these folks. The press needs to spend as little time as necessary on it. The rest of us need to challenge this kind of thinking … and do so constantly. I don’t mean challenge people to a fight, but challenge people who have these bumper stickers or say things like these to back up their statements. We need to do it not in an angry or condescending manner, but in as inquisitive and friendly a way as possible. How is Obama a socialist? What bothers you about Muslims? You really think he’s not an American? I don’t think Obama has done everything right, but he hasn’t done everything wrong either. We need to all get to that place … the place where we can start discussing what has been done right, what has been done wrong, and what the exact proportion is. We won’t get there by hurling insults, but we won’t get there by ignoring them either.

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