Friday, June 10, 2011

Elected Representatives as Reasonable Human Beings

This will be short and sweet. I want my elected representatives to behave like I would expect anyone else to behave, particularly anyone else that was working for me. I’d like them to tell the truth. I would like them to take responsibility for their actions. I’m fine with them changing their minds. I’m fine with them being women, black, Muslim, Jewish, thin, fat, or even white and Christian. I’m fine with them not being perfect. I’m not that concerned with what they do at home, as long as it doesn’t impact what they do at work. When they are on the job, I want them to put my interests first. I’d like them to have a sense of humor, and not to take themselves too seriously. It would be nice if they were thoughtful, and valued reason and logic. They don’t have to agree with me on every issue, but logic is pretty important. And that’s about it. An appreciation of basketball and hip hop would be icing on the cake, but in this case I’d take the cake without icing.

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