Thursday, April 26, 2012

J.D. Mullane ... More of the Same

J.D. Mullane certainly has a formula for success, and he is most definitely unafraid to use it.  Mullane’s approach was on display once again in Thursdays Bucks County Courier Times(Facts of Life).  This time the topic was sex education rather than light bulbs, but the plan of attack was the same.

First, single out an individual or group for ridicule.  This time it was young people attending Sexual Education Day at Bucks County Community College and the program itself.  He set up a young man by telling him that monogamy was natural, and then gleefully waited for the testosterone laced response … and probably just as gleefully typed it in.  The program itself was artfully set up as a gay related boondoggle whose impact can be summed up with a description of kids giggling at atable full of colorful condoms.  The program leader was a mechanic, who was obviously another elite snob focused on “knowledge” rather than “truth.” 

Second, throw out some irrelevant data and pseudo facts.  This article was heavier on pseudo facts and unexplained philosophies then irrelevant data.  There was actually no data at all.  Instead, Mullane waxed eloquent about the difference between truth and knowledge, but never really explained what he meant.  He expressed his preference for babies over birth control, and though he said he understood why not everyone shared his enthusiasm it would have been nice if he would have understood why that was a ridiculous choice to even ponder.  Are we to understand that sex is only about babies?  Is this a choice we really want to present to a young person?  Do we want fourteen year olds choosing babies?  Are we really to believe that sex education is meaningless because the young people here could answer most of the questions that were asked and there is a lot of porn on the internet?

Third, Mullane covers up the holes in his philosophizing with a bogeyman or two.  The big, unwieldy, and threatening state is here … after all sex education is state mandated.  Obama and Obamacare were lurking about too.  “Free condoms!  Oh boy!  Who needs ObamaCare when you can get free birth control at the community college.”  Who needs logic and reason when you can include “Obama” in a sentence and attach all that thoughtless negativity to whatever you oppose. 

J. D. Mullane is witty and sarcastic.  He is also illogical and interested in fear mongering.  Above all, though, he is predictable.   

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