Monday, March 19, 2012

DEAR CRABBY: Bill Maher is no Rush Limbaugh

DEAR CRABBY: What Bill Maher said about Sarah Palin is the same as what Rush Limbaugh said, when will you lefties recognize it?  - Right Here

DEAR RIGHT HERE: Never.  Calling one woman a slut is not the same as suggesting that all women who use contraception are sluts.  Bill Maher said something inappropriate about a public figure.  It wasn’t right, but it wasn’t that remarkably upsetting.  Rush Limbaugh basically insulted a law student and said that women ought not to have sex unless they are making babies.  The idea that the two are remotely related is silly.  The idea that Bill Maher’s comment somehow absolves Limbaugh is absurd and just plain old wrong.  The idea that because Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a slut he is a pariah whose campaign contributions should be refused is laughable.  Just admit that Limbaugh was out of line and that it’s OK if women have sex for pleasure, and let us move on to something a tad more important like health care, Iran, or Wendy’s new position as the number two burger restaurant in America.  

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