Saturday, March 3, 2012

Big Government ... LOL

It is now illegal to text while driving in Pennsylvania.  Big government strikes again.  Why is it government’s place to tell me that someone’s life is more important than letting my friends know I’ll be late for drinks?  That’s up to me and the free market to decide.  If I want to risk driving over someone, I should be able to.  In fact, if I drive over someone foolish enough to walk alongside the road while I’m checking facebook I shouldn’t even go to jail.  Why should the government be allowed to put anyone in jail?  If the natural repercussions aren’t enough to dissuade me, then it shouldn’t be a problem.  Damn that government, trying to feed people, provide for their education, protect people them being poisoned by chemicals, guarantee that their young children don’t work twelve hour days, and now protecting them from being run over by people typing messages in cutesy code to their friends.  Where are we, the Soviet Union?  We must come together to stop this intrusion into our lives!  There was a time when we could have slaves … and then big government came along and took that right away.  Now it’s texting.  If they protect gays and take away our guns, what’s left?  Soon, we won’t be able to marginalize or kill anyone without big government stepping in.  So let your friends know the time has come to take a stand.  Preferably, text them while driving somewhere at night in Pennsylvania.    LOL!

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