Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Rick Perry wants to close down three federal agencies: education, commerce, and … what was that third one? Tonight, at a debate, Perry didn’t remember. “Ooops.” For the record, it was energy. I wish I could forget so easily that people who are proposing to close down the departments of commerce, energy, and education are serious candidates for the office of President of the United States of America. I would love to be able to forget that a tax plan to shift the burden of taxes from the wealthy to the middle class and poor has driven a candidate to the top of the heap (and it is a heap). The universal assault on the rights of homosexuals and environmental regulation and worker’s rights would also be nice to let slip out my mind. It would be wonderful if these candidates were being discredited for ever supporting such regressive and frightening positions, rather than misspeaking in a debate or fondling women. If it is popularly accepted that the only thing disgraceful about Herman Cain is that he put his hand under someone’s skirt, than another candidate can just pick up his policies and positions and continue merrily along. The problem here is that one of our two parties is putting forward policies and positions that can’t possibly hold up in the light of reason, and people are not only letting them do it but helping them do it by voting for them. When we finally realize the extent of this mistake, it will be way too late to say oops.

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