Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No He Caint

I don’t care if Herman Cain sexually harassed someone. I’m more worried that he is prejudiced against Muslims and wants to erect an electric fence on the border, and oh yeah has a silly tax scheme that will increase the tax burden on the poor and working class. If I was tempted to vote for him I would also be worried about the way he has handled this sexual harassment story. He was all over the place on Tuesday, contradicting himself left and right. This vacillation was despite the fact that he obviously knew about this and had been made aware that the story was being pursued days before it broke. He and his campaign had plenty of time to have a response ready. The fact that Tuesday’s mess, followed by the blame game on Wednesday (the liberal press, his Republican rivals, the alleged victims, who knows who else), is what they came up with doesn’t instill a lot of confidence in what they could do in the White House. The bottom line is that Herman Cain is not qualified to be President, and that it has nothing to do with sexual harassment and everything to do with his views and beliefs and the new questions about his competence to handle everything involved in being the President.

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