In honor of Grammy and Oscar, for the rest of the month of February I will give my own awards. Each weekday I will award a WTF winner. The award is named in honor of Sarah Palin, and will be given to the person who makes comments that are least likely to lead to collaboration or the solving of any problems. Essentially, this is an award for politicians and others who are making arguments that are supported by fallacies (appeals to anger and fear, personal attacks, straw men, etc.).
The first WTF award goes to Ann Coulter. Her speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), was a real winner.
"Here's a lesson of history: Do not allow Democrats anywhere near foreign policy. Not even to keep them away from domestic policy. It's a mistake to ask those who don't even like democracy to defend it." This is awesome. Democrats don't like Democracy. The opposition aren't real Americans. It is an attack that is almost too common these days, but Ann delivers it with such style.
"The big news this week is liberals favor democracy in the Middle East ... Liberals could not have been less interested in democracy when we were taking out the guy who gassed his neighbors…when we went to take out Saddam Hussein." Out comes the "Liberal" tag. Name calling is a sure way to be considered for a WTF, and Ann does it with panache. Damn those liberals for opposing the War in Iraq because it was spreading democracy. And of course Bush invaded Iraq only to spread democracy and because he gassed his neighbors. I wonder if that is why America supported Saddam for decades.
"But now liberals are shocked and appalled to discover there's a dictator in the Middle East." We have those nasty liberals again, and man are they slow. Republicans have known there was a dictator in Egypt for a long time, as Ann goes on to say, they kind of liked him there. Of course, every administration (Republican and Democrat) in my memory has supported him, but we won't talk about that because that gets in the way of the blame game.
"It's not as clear what the outcome is in Egypt. It was clear in Iraq and we had American servicemen there to ensure it went accurately ... Iraq and Iran are very similar because their people are sane, their leaders are insane, in the latter case you don't want to take out sane leaders and allow democracy in. In Iran there had been an election, the moderates won and Ahmadinejad stole the election, there hasn't been an election in Egypt. Why do we want to be stirring up trouble in that country? We can't do that in every country… you don't go around disturbing countries where you have a loyal ally." I'm confused now. Democracy is great, except where the dictator has been a loyal ally? Democracy is only necessary where the leaders are insane? Democracy is only OK if we can guarantee that people we like will win the election? Are insane leaders the ones that don't say nice things about us or the ones that don't do what we want them to? I wonder why there is distrust of America among the people of the middle East.
Coulter said that Obama has turned over "our entire health care system to the DMV." That one kind of speaks for itself. It is a little inadequate though. Where is the reference to Stalin?
"Liberals want to use gays as a cat's paw to attack the family because liberals want families destroyed… because then you have loyalty directly to the state." Fear. That's all that needs to be said. Ann wants you to be afraid. Those liberals are going to destroy families. They are also out to take away your pets and your country music.
Anyway, that is plenty. Congratulations Ann. WTF!
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