Wednesday, February 16, 2011

WTF - Michele Bachman

Michele Bachman is outraged that Michelle Obama has too many l's in her name. Just kidding. She is actually outraged that she would dare to promote breast feeding. Plus, the IRS is going to give a deduction for nursing supplies that aid in breast feeding. Apparently, this is a travesty. I think the l's thing would have made more sense. Bachman says these atrocities are consistent with "where the hard left was coming from," and evidence of the "nanny state." I'm not sure why the name calling is necessary. I'm also not sure why the government is either telling us how to live our lives or letting the free market reign supreme. Why is there no middle ground? Why can't we admit the obvious, some things don't happen unless the government gets involved. Why can't we also admit that when people eat too much, smoke, etc. they cost us all more money in health insurance premiums, productivity, etc. Why can't we admit that when people do things to improve their health (eating well, breast feeding) we all benefit. Why can't we admit that not everyone is aware or able to take advantage of everything that would be of benefit to them. Government shouldn't be involved anytime the collective good is hurt by individual decisions, or anytime people can't or don't do what is best for them, but sometimes it should and much of the time the question of whether the government should be involved is a legitimate one that should be the subject of real discussion, rather than a an opportunity for insults and platitudes. Maybe the Government shouldn't be encouraging healthy eating in schools and breast feeding, but it surely doesn't seem like the worst thing government could do.

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