Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Adult Conversation

Today, President Obama asked for an adult conversation on the financial issues facing the country. He said that he hopes that "we [can] have an adult conversation where everybody says, 'Here's what's important and here's how we pay for it.'" He also said, "I expect that all sides will have to do a little bit of posturing on television and speak to their constituencies, and rally the troops and so forth. But ultimately, what we need is a reasonable, responsible and initially, probably, somewhat quiet and toned-down conversation about ... where can we compromise and get something done. I'm confident that will be the spirit that congressional leaders take over the coming months."

I hate to disagree with the President, but I'm not so confident that there will be a quiet, adult conversation on the budget. We need it, but I'm not sure we're going to get it. I also am not willing to concede the necessity of "posturing" for "constituencies" and "rallying" of the "troops." I think the troops and the constituencies ought to be smarter than that. I don't have any more faith than the President does that the use of fear and hate and finger pointing and the like will stop, but I would add something. I don't think it will stop ... as long as us troops accept it. If we demand serious, honest, and constructive talk, to us, then we are more likely to get it from our elected leaders when they have to talk to one another. The quiet constructive conversation that Obama is looking for starts with people that aren't going to be a part of it ... you and me. So, if that is what you want, then write you representative and let him or her know that's what you want. Let them know that if you don't get it you won't vote for them. If we make those claims, and back them up, then they'll listen, maybe even to each other.

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