Friday, September 16, 2011

The remains of 9/11

By the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 there will be a piece of World Trade Center steel in every town, village, and hamlet. Maybe there will be a 9/11 kiosk in every mall, complete with its own piece of the towers that you can close your eyes and rub. Everyone wants a piece of 9/11. And why not ... mourning is easy. Anger is easy. Fear is easy. Reacting constructively, dispassionately, methodically ... that's a lot more difficult. So we haven't done it. Instead, we have distilled 9/11 down to a piece of steel and an attack on freedom. Anything else is just way too hard.

1 comment:

  1. I respect you and your writing WAY too much to not get out my teacher red pen (although I typically avoid red when assessing student work) and remind you of what I remind everyone I encounter: The plural form of the pronoun "it" has no apostrophe. Ever. The plural form is "its."
    " It's" is a contraction for "it is" or "it has."
    It's just a peeve of mine. I have the feeling you respect peeves!
    If you keep writing, I'll keep reading!
