Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Scary White People

Forget about Muslims, it’s Christians that scare me. Specifically white Christians. Maybe just white people in general. Really, it’s just white people who frequent gun shows, prance about in the woods with rifles while wearing camouflage, go to the grocery store wearing camouflage, go to bed wearing camouflage and probably clutching a rifle or a Bible, and … so I guess it’s not all white people, but how can you tell the difference? How do you know if you’re facing Jared Loughner rather than Ward Cleaver? White people were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing that killed kids in a day care center. Is there an abortion clinic bombing that hasn’t involved a white person? Those people picketing the funerals of soldiers … are any of them Latino or Chinese? The priests that molest little boys … how many of them are Puerto Rican? It doesn’t take an advanced degree to connect the dots. White people are not to be trusted. We need a Congressional hearing to look into white people and their connection to radicalism and terrorism, especially if they’re Christian. Remember the Inquisition?

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