Michele Bachmann made some comments at a recent fundraiser that highlight part of what is wrong with American politics. "I said that we have a 'gangster government' running the show down in Washington, D.C. And I don't step back from that statement. Because this is an administration that is intent on taking from its opponents -- and giving to its friends. There's a lot in common with a lot of Chicago's history in this administration."
OK, first of all, "gangster government?" If it was just name calling, it would be bad enough. There is far too much name calling going on, and a lot of it is coming from the tea partyists. It isn't just name calling though. When you say that the first Black President is heading up a "gangster government," you are referencing his race. It is hard to believe that this isn't done purposefully to reach out to the sizeable numbers of people who regard this Black president, or maybe any Black president, as illegitimate at best.
Next, we have this great claim: "this is an administration that is intent on taking from its opponents -- and giving to its friends." This is a vague accusation that is not at all supported. Who are the friends? Who are its opponents? What is being taken and given? This is also a comment that fuels the current antagonistic nastiness that is running rampant through American politics right now. Why is the focus on the treatment of opponents, rather than the problems that are or aren't being addressed?
Then we finish out with this gem: "There's a lot in common with a lot of Chicago's history in this administration." Are they running liquor? Are they rolling around town with Tommy guns? Are dead people voting? Is this anything other than an attempt to link Obama with a negative image ... an attempt to attack him without engaging the issues or his actual job performance?
These are not the comments of someone who is serious about solving America's problems. They are not the comments of someone who should have ever been considered seriously for any elected office, let alone the Presidency.
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