Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Tuneful Tuesday: Italian Plastic and the House Republicans

“When you wake up with me 
I'll be your glass of water 
When you stick up for me 

Then I'll be your bella bambino, your man from the moon 
I'll be your little boy running with that egg on his spoon 
I'll be your soul survivor, your worst wicked friend 
I'll be your piggy in the middle, stick with you till the end.”

These lyrics come from the Crowded House song Italian Plastic.  They make no sense at all, but they are fun to sing and they are mated to a catchy tune.  The position taken by the Republicans in the House of Representatives on dealing with the deficit makes no sense either.  Spending cuts just for the sake of spending cuts is stupid.  Promising someone named Grover that you will never raise taxes is comical.  The desire to eliminate as much of the federal government as possible is unexplainable and runs contrary to not only the history of America and American government, but the history of the whole trajectory of man from the wilderness and into society.  The fear and hatred of cooperation, collaboration, and anyone who differs with you about anything is dangerous and completely unacceptable in a civilized society.  The antipathy towards science and reason is bizarre and troublingly pre-Renaissance.  The abandoning of reasonable positions held by the Republican party for decades is unfortunate.  When you really think about it, none of it makes a damn bit of sense.  Unfortunately, it also isn’t fun and doesn’t come with a catchy tune.  It is “nothing like that Italian plastic.”

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