Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday Musings: Chuck Hegel ... Republican Liberal Homophobic Jew Hater

The Republicans are offended by President Obama’s choice of Senator Chuck Hagel, a Republican, for secretary of defense.  The best I can conclude is that they are opposed because the President nominated him and because they are bound and determined to look like a bunch of jack asses. 

It can’t really be because, as Senator Lindsey Graham says, “he has long severed his ties with the Republican Party.”  Just over four years ago, after he stepped aside and decided not to run for re-election to the Senate, he was almost universally praised by his fellow Republicans.  Four years doesn’t sound like “long” to me, and it is a bit too convenient that these severed ties are just now being revealed.  Besides, he was elected twice as a Republican senator presumably by Republicans.  Obama is surely going to claim this as an attempt at bipartisanship.  Arguing that it isn’t really without appearing to be … well to be jack asses, doesn’t seem to be an easy task. 

Unfortunately, Republican opposition also can’t be rooted in Hagel’s opposition to the war in Iraq and the surge Congressman Tom Cotton says "Our troops deserve much better than a man who voted to send them to war when it was popular and then abandoned those very troops when it was unpopular.”  But he can’t really mean to say something that is so ridiculous.  That would mean that anyone who opposes a war is somehow un-American, that the only thing that a good American can do when we are at war is mindlessly support the official government position.  It would also mean that people can’t change their mind … ever … even if they come across new information, circumstances change, or they simply come to believe that they were mistaken.  No one can possible have such a naive, narrow, and ignorant view of the world. 

I suppose it could be because he favors negotiating with countries like Iran rather than simply labeling them as evil terrorists and starting a war that could destabilize the Middle East and throw the world into recession and confusion, for starters.  No sane person would want to avoid war and no real American would see nuance in the world.  He must be a threat to the country, 

The problem is that he’s not really a threat to the country or its military, and its pretty hard to believe that Republicans really think he is.  Hegel is thoughtful, but he is not a pacifist.  He is a Vietnam Veteran, and an advocate for the military.  He would support cuts in military spending, but that is, until proven otherwise, just a matter of good sense.  No one is going to argue that he isn’t knowledgeable about foreign policy and defense issues.  So that only leaves us with Israel, and this is not about Israel.

Republicans are not opposing this nomination because Hagel said that the “Jewish lobby intimidated lawmakers."  Republicans are using this line to rile people up and to justify their opposition.  It’s exactly what Romney tried to do during the election.  They can’t really believe that American interests are best served by always championing Israeli interests.  Israel and the United States are two different countries with different sets of interests.  There is no way they correspond completely.  And the Jewish lobby does intimidate lawmakers.  That’s what every lobby does, or at least tries to do.  Besides, Hegel’s voting record does not exactly paint him as a supporter of Hamas.  This is just a rather crude attempt to motivate opposition to the nomination by appealing to fear and hate, with a bit of push from a powerful and narrowly focused lobby. 

So, this brings us back to concluding that Congress is a bunch of angry Obama-hating jack asses.  If they do actively oppose the nomination of a hawkish homophobic Republican, it will be hard to reach any other conclusion.  

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