Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Searching for Intelligent Life

Scientists have just discovered Kepler 22b. It is a planet that is 600 light years away. Kepler is a little on the big size, more than twice the size of earth, but otherwise has a lot in common with earth. It has temperatures that average around seventy degrees. It is closer to its sun than we are, but its sun isn’t as hot, so it is right in the zone where a planet has to be to support life. It might well be habitable. It might be inhabited. This means that we might be on the verge of showing, definitively, that life exists elsewhere in the Universe. The truly amazing thing is that as we sit at the edge of this major scientific milestone, we have a Presidential candidate who associates with folks who claim to talk to God. How is it possible that I can live at a time when people are discovering potentially habitable planets hundreds of light years away, and still know people who think the world was created by God in six days and that we all can trace our lineage to some dude who hung out in a boat with a lot of animals for a few weeks? Yes the universe is expanding, and oh by the way God hates homosexuals and evolution should be taught alongside intelligent design in our schools. I don’t get it, but I also don’t get how someone could have lived through a financial crisis that was partially caused by an unregulated financial sector and then a few years later claim that regulation and big government is the root of all our problems. Don’t get me wrong, I am truly psyched about Kepler 22b. I think it is awesome. It would be truly amazing to be alive when we are able to confirm that there is indeed life on other planets. If we were able to find intelligent life, well that would be indescribable. I just wish I was more confident that there was intelligent life to be discovered right here on earth.

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