Thursday, December 8, 2011

Homosexuality is awful because ...

A man has sex with a man. Then, what happens next? Are Einstein’s discoveries undone? Do children everywhere begin to masturbate? Do people just catch on fire? A young girl sees two women holding hands, does she immediately French kiss her best friend? Does she start refusing to go to church? Does she start listening to Melissa Etheridge? A gay couple is allowed to adopt a child … and the next generation turns to wicca? If two women get married, what is the next shoe to fall? Do people everywhere start divorcing? Do people everywhere jump into bed with goats? Do people become socialists? I don’t get it. How is anal sex a threat to the social fabric? Maybe the issue is that there are too few people in the world, and folks are worried that if we give homosexuals rights everyone will turn gay and we will just die out. That’s about the best I can come up with. Though, maybe gays are behind the financial crisis, are causing global warming, sabotaged the oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, and have just blocked the trade that would have sent Chris Paul to the Lakers. Maybe they are aliens from Kepler 22-b. No, that would be going too far, because that would necessitate the recognition of science. I guess I don’t know why gays are such bad news … but I suppose that shouldn’t stop me from hating them. It hasn’t stopped anybody else.


  1. I actually think that allowing gay marriage in all 50 states would be a financial boon for our economy. Seriously--imagine the money that would be spent on fabulous engagement parties, gift registries, wedding venues?

    Plus, there's this kid.

    He makes me proud to be an American.

  2. I love the testimony. It is pretty powerful.
