Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I think, therefore I am Libertarian

I think, therefore I recognize that reasonable and intelligent people can hold very different opinions on a great range of important issues. It doesn’t lend itself to a bumper sticker in the same way as I think, therefore I am Libertarian does. It has the greater virtue, however, of being true. I have a profound and fundamental disdain for people who claim that their position is the only possible one that a smart person could have. The disdain increases when those people proclaim the wisdom of absolutes (taxes are bad, government is bad), advocate disbanding the Department of Education, and rail against the bogeymen like big government. Just make your argument and see if it holds up to scrutiny. I know I am unreasonable, but what I want is evidence. I have no use for insults, snide remarks, and ego boosting. I think and I listen to what others are thinking about, and I’m unreasonable enough to expect someone else to do the same.

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