Monday, January 17, 2011

What If?

Here is a simple illustration of the importance of context. If you meet a woman and glance at her chest, someone who notices may perceive this in a negative light. If the woman has a large and colorful tattoo nestled in her cleavage, which is less than covered by her shirt, a glance at her chest might be perceived differently. Context matters. We all get upset about higher taxes, or at least recently enough of us have been pretty upset. I can understand not wanting to spend more money. But what if there isn’t enough money to pay for schools, and libraries, and garbage service, and pensions, and whatever it is you value most. What if we are in the midst of a recession? What if you pay lower taxes than the rest of the free world? What if you knew about the what ifs? What if you cared as much about all of this as you would about a tattoo near a pair of breasts? What if?

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