Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blizzards and Global Warming

I haven't heard it yet, but I know it's coming. Here on the East Coast we've been slammed with snow this winter, there is more snow in the forecast, and we aren't into February yet. So, before we make it through the winter, I know someone will say to me, with a smile on their face, something along the lines of: "what about that global warming?" Of course, it's not that simple. Nothing is that simple. That is the lesson we have to learn. Just because we have a lot of snow, doesn't mean that the world isn't getting warmer. It's not as if the world has a thermostat that someone is slowly cranking up, causing the whole thing to warm up evenly. Just because two men don't make babies, doesn't mean that homosexual couples shouldn't be married or even that their relationships aren't natural. Just because ethanol is made from corn and we grow corn in this country doesn't mean that pushing the increased use of ethanol is a good idea. We have to be ready to look for the complexities, and push our elected officials to stop glossing over them. We have to be able to see that more snow doesn't mean lower temperatures.

There is a much more scientific (and just plain better) argument on why all this snow doesn't mean that global warming is a mirage, see Michio Kaku's piece on

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