Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stop the gays before our schools get fixed and no one goes hungry!

Something has to be done to stop homosexuals from marrying. If marriage is no longer reserved for a man and a woman, then polygamy is sure to follow. Bestiality and the fall of western civilization can’t be far behind. If you allow two men to get married, then marriage is ruined for the rest of us. I’m not sure how, but maybe we will all have to play songs by the Pet Shop Boys at our receptions. Certainly if you allow men to marry men, they’ll start trying to marry four or five women. Before you know it men will be converting to Islam and blowing things up. It’s certainly obvious that allowing two competent adults to enter into a legally recognized committed relationship will either send women flocking into polygamous relationships or roll back women’s rights in this country to the point that women will find themselves forced to enter into oppressive marriage arrangements. Sex with goats can’t be far behind. We have to stop this outrage now before people actually start thinking logically and approaching situations with open minds. If that happens, who knows what might be next? A decent education for everyone? An armed services that is representative of the entire populace? A financial system with real regulations and agencies capable of enforcing them? Basic health care for all citizens … oh shit it’s happening already! We have to stop those gays!!!

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