Saturday, December 21, 2013

Free Phil!

I am really upset about what happened to that Duck Dynasty guy.  I am afraid of the message this sends.  Folks should be able to stand on a table at their place of employment and proclaim that gays will rot in hell and black people were happy under Jim Crow.  Heck, I was hoping to be able to send a general e-mail to my students informing them of why Whites are superior and women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and not have to worry about losing my job.  It just isn’t fair.  This is definitely a cause worth getting excited about.   Forget hunger and cancer and spousal abuse and universal health care and whatever else you liberal big government types want to foist on the rest of us.  I know what is important.  I’m going to stand up for ignorant and hateful reality television stars everywhere, and the millions of us who want to be able to be equally ignorant and hateful.  It’s time to band together, cloak our ignorance and hate under the cover of religion and a twisted vision of the Constitution, and fight the good fight!  Reason and logic can’t stop us now!!

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