It is awful that you lost your house. It is hard to raise children on the money
that you make working part time as a waitress.
I am sorry that you have to contribute so much to your health plan. That being said, none of that has anything to
do with the contract dispute between the teachers and the school board in
Neshaminy. If the board doesn’t have
enough money, that matters. It doesn’t
matter if you don’t have enough money.
It doesn’t matter if a teacher makes more than you do or has better
health care. The focus needs to come
back to what the district can afford, what the teachers need, whether the
teachers are bearing more of the burden of a shortfall then they should, who is
responsible for the shortfall, should teachers get credit for teaching the last
four years, etc.. The problems you are
facing on the home front are important, but this contract dispute is not the place
to solve them.
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