Thursday, April 28, 2011

"We've got better stuff to do."

President Barack Obama said yesterday, upon releasing the long form of his birth certificate (he had already released a legal copy of the short form), “we do not have time for this kind of silliness. We’ve got better stuff to do.” He is right, but I’m afraid this is not the end of it. Donald Trump proved that people’s hatred/fear of Obama can be used to fuel political or other ambitions. That hatred hasn’t gone anywhere. The people that were questioning his citizenship, with not a single shred of evidence other than the color of his skin, are already at it again. They’re questioning the use of his grandparent’s address on the birth certificate and his social security number. They’ll always be questioning something. They’ll always be taking our attention off of the real problems facing this country, if we let them. We, the American people, need to put an end to this nonsense. We need to demand proof when these accusations are made in the future, and if none is provided we need to ignore them. We need to view such accusations with great skepticism from the start. Whenever our leaders take the focus off of the real problems facing the country to attack one another, we need to make it clear we aren’t interested. We need to tell reporters and news providers that we aren’t interested in this stuff. We need to say no to these shenanigans, and say it loudly and consistently. If we do, it will go away. If we don’t, it won’t. Neither, unfortunately, will the “better stuff” that we have to do.

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