Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"If you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read this in English thank a soldier."

"If you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read this in English thank a soldier."

If you can read this bumper sticker phrase in Russian, Chinese, or Spanish, thank your lucky stars. Actually, if you could read this message in anything other than English you probably aren't an American.

I'm all for thanking everyone, but what do soldiers really have to do with the preservation of the English language? We won our independence from England, and last I checked they spoke something that is enough like English that we wouldn't have noticed much of a difference. Now, I suppose early on there were threats from the French, but realistically they weren't in a position to control the New World. Besides, French is a much prettier language than English. It's a romance language after all. We might be better off speaking French. The French would be better off. If you want to go way back, I suppose there was a threat of Danish or Swedish or some other Nordic language, but I don't know what soldier I would thank for that. Now there is the Civil War ... what do they speak in the South? Was Hitler going to race across the Ocean and impose an even uglier language on us? Was there a real Japanese threat of conquest and colonization? Was Stalin going to flood the United States with Russian speakers after the Soviet Union bested us in battle? Maybe we could have all ended up Arabic speakers, although I'm not sure how.

Reality is such an unromantic downer of a party pooper, but in reality even if we were conquered English would probably survive. Some new words might appear, but by and large conquered peoples in this day and age don't start speaking the language of their conquerors. Conquest doesn't have to mean a change in language.

Personally I'd rather thank Shakespeare for English. Call me crazy. Without Will, I don't think I would want to speak English. And I'd thank my parents and their parents and so on. And I'd throw in a shout out to writers, poets, newspaper publishers, and corporations who have brought the English language to every corner of the globe and made it an indispensable tool for living a normal life in many many places in the world.

And I'd thank teachers ... for this and a lot more.

I'm not against thanking soldiers, anyone who makes sacrifices to help their country and their countrymen deserve our thanks. Of course, these thanks go out to more than just soldiers. Community organizers, politicians, people who work for non-profits, medical researchers, and scientists and inventors have all made equivalent sacrifices.

If we thank soldiers out of guilt because in recent memory we have mistreated them upon their arrival home or because the armed forces are less than representative of our whole society ... we should stop, there are other ways we can deal with all of that.

So, stick to thanking teacher's for English and try recognizing soldiers for who they are, thanking them for what they do, and giving them some help. If you are ambitious, try working to change who becomes a soldier and what it means to be a soldier. You could even try working to recognize contributions of other Americans ... but that might be pushing it.


  1. Well this has liberal puke dripping all over it. Clearly you did not serve your country or read history very well. Is it only England that we fought (We clearly does not include you - we are the troops that are solely responsible for keeping freedom free at our high cost)? You have taken an obvious statement and tried to spin it so its wrong but you've only succeeded in looking like a horses ass. We fought Germans, Japanese, Iraqis just to name a few. Had we lost to them, as history shows, a society could be forced to assimilate the culture and language of its conqueror. Even if that doesn't happen every time its the point of the statement. Politicians and especially community activist don't provide shit they are the reason why we even go to war to start with. We ( Veterans and active ) don't go looking for the war. We sit at home training until the politicians and the activist start one. So words don't win wars its the troops that do that all on their own. So thanks for keeping us busy I guess but I refuse to pat you fire starters on the back for the successes of the military. Typical Liberal agenda to ignore common sense, take credit for others work, double speak, run from responsibility, blame morals for your immoralities, give more freedoms to people over there while you take them away from people over here. etc etc etc that truly is a never ending list. You suck. Approval ratings lowest ever - Thanks Politicians. Lost all respect on the global stage - Thanks Politicians. Presidents who can demand from others but not live up to even the simple standards of responsibility of a 16yo working at McDonalds - Thanks Politicians and Activist. Terrorist become college professors - Thanks Politicians and Activist. Infringement on Bill of Rights - Thanks Activist and Politicians. Spend the most on education yet rank in the bottom half of scores on global scale - Thanks teachers and politicians. Teaching kids opinions as facts - Thanks teachers, politicians and activist. Voting in the king of segregation/racism while claiming the sky is purple - Thanks activist. The New Party, ACLU, ACORN, Black Panthers, KKK - Thanks activist and politicians. Keeping us out of the enemies clutches as the politicians and activist keep trying to drown us in the bull shit - THANKS TROOPS! Thanks for being the ones that kept me from having to learn Russian, Spanish, Arabic, German or Chinese.

    1. Your response captures the problem we have today in politics. What it contains mostly is name calling and insults, with a healthy sprinkling of completely unsupported claims that wander all over the map. It doesn't show much recognition of what I actually wrote. You are arguing against a invented opposition and not me. I think war is incredibly important in shaping the fate of our country and soldiers play a key role. I think both war and soldiers role in it are far too complex to be captured in a bumper sticker without twisting facts and insulting folks. If you want to have a intelligent conversation on any one of these many issues you have brought up I welcome it. Pick one and lets go. If you are going to call me names and tell me that my opinions don't matter, then don't come back in here.
